Monday, May 30, 2005

The Rook

I've had this movie called The Rook in my Netflix queue for a while now. Recently it filtered its way to the top and was mailed to me. About two Saturdays ago I went to load it in the DVD player when I noticed it was cracked and unplayable. I marked it as Unplayable on the Netflix website and asked them to send me a new copy. I returned the broken one and received a new one this Friday. The new one must have come from California or somewhere because it took all week to get here. This past Saturday I went to load the movie into my DVD player, and discovered that the new copy is also cracked! It was so bad, the disk literally split in half when I took it out of the envelope. The question now is who is trying to stop me from seeing this movie? Netflix or the Post Office? And why?

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Einstein is Cool

Since I don't really have anything to say, so I'd thought I'd post a link to something I find interesting. A rhetorical question: Is there anything cooler than gravity lenses? Didn't think so. Well, scientists have discovered a "perfect einstein ring". Now that's cool.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

First Post

First post baby!