Monday, May 30, 2005

The Rook

I've had this movie called The Rook in my Netflix queue for a while now. Recently it filtered its way to the top and was mailed to me. About two Saturdays ago I went to load it in the DVD player when I noticed it was cracked and unplayable. I marked it as Unplayable on the Netflix website and asked them to send me a new copy. I returned the broken one and received a new one this Friday. The new one must have come from California or somewhere because it took all week to get here. This past Saturday I went to load the movie into my DVD player, and discovered that the new copy is also cracked! It was so bad, the disk literally split in half when I took it out of the envelope. The question now is who is trying to stop me from seeing this movie? Netflix or the Post Office? And why?

1 comment:

Jason W. said...

I had the same thing with Invader Zim.
Twice cracked!

PS: The Chinese Room? WTF?