Saturday, July 29, 2006


David Gemmell has died. He was my favorite author of fantasy. His books are action packed and full of memorable characters. The heroes of his novels are usually seriously flawed men, sometimes with few redeeming features, but they always know the difference between right and wrong, and a strong sense of morality infused his works. Here is an excerpt from his novel The Legend of Deathwalker:

Druss nodded, his face solemn. "I am not a thinker," he said, "nor am I stupid. I am a man like so many others. I could have been a farmer, or a carpenter, even a laborer. Never a teacher, though, or a cleric. Intellectual men make me nervous. Like that Majon." He shook his head. "I have met a great number of ambassadors, and they all seem identical: easy, insincere smiles and gimlet eyes that don't miss a thing. What do they believe in? Do they have a sense of honor? Of patriotism? Or do they laugh at us common men as they line their purses with our gold? I don't know much, poet, but I know that men like Majon-- aye, and you-- can make all I believe in seem as insubstantial as summer snow. And make me look foolish in the bargain. Oh, I can understand how good and evil can come down to numbers. Like those women in the fountain. A besieging army could say, 'Kill six women and we'll spare the city.' Well, there's only one right answer to that. But I couldn't tell you why I know it is right."


Jason W. said...

Wow, that's good stuff.
I've never read any of his books. Is The Legend of Deathwalker a good place to start?

Mike said...

You're probably better of starting with his novel Legend. It has the same main character, Druss, as the quoted book, but was written first. Although it actually takes place later in time, when Druss is an old man and called to fight one more battle.