Saturday, August 12, 2006

Hot SF Chick of the Week : Week 5

Seven of Nine. Star Trek Voyager pretty much sucked until early in season 4 when Jeri Ryan joined the cast as former borg Seven of Nine, and then it sucked a little less. I always thought that the writers of the show tried to show two sides of an argument by having Seven taking the coldly rational side and Captain Janeway taking the more human, emotional side. Kind of like the original Star Trek had arguments between Spock and McCoy. The problem was, that in Voyager, Seven always made a lot more sense than Janeway, who often ended up looking like an idiot. I don't know if the writers planned it that way, or were just bad at writing. I suspect the latter.


Tommy said...

I thought she might of lasted until week seven, but what do I know.

Jason W. said...

You may also be interested what 7 of 9 has to say about routing protocols. Stop by
RouterGod and check out their homage to the topic.

As a side note, they used to have an easter egg in their code. One character on their page was acutually a link to a picture of Jeri Ryan with all her naughty bits exposed. Sadly, that link is no longer there. I checked their html thoroughly.